Prime Software Technologies, Inc.

H1B-CAP Registration Form (2023-2024)

Eligibility criteria for applying:

1. Candidates who possess a Masters & Degree in Computer Science will be given preference.

2. While a minimum of 1 year of experience in the IT industry is preferable, But NOT mandatory.

3. We will file applications for H1B CAP 2023-2024 and H1B transfers for eligible candidates.

4. Individuals who have completed their Master’s Degree in the USA and are currently eligible to
work on STEM OPT and CPT are encouraged to apply.

5. Candidates with prior experience in the IT industry and who are eligible to work on L1, L2,
TN, and H4 visas are also eligible to apply.

6. Any individual living in the USA with an H1B status and who is willing to transfer to our
company is welcome to apply.

Please fill this form so that we can reach out to you quickly.

Gender *
Employee's Highest Education Qualification *

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